So Big!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Since 2008 is coming to a close, we just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year filled with love, peace and happiness. This last year has been so wonderful and I know it will only get better from here on out. We love you all and be safe!!!

(I know this is another wedding picture, but what can I say, it was our biggest event of 2008!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The party was a hit!

Chad and Karen
People on the patio

Tracy having fun as usual

Chris and Steph Spangler

Andrea and Brian

Eric and Jenn in matching sweaters (this was actually his idea)

Last Saturday was the annual xmas party and everyone had such a great time. Almost all of our friends who could, made it and we loved seeing everybody. They all brought toys and I am delivering them tomorrow. Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Annual Christmas Party

Hi all! On Saturday we are hosting our annual Christmas party and we are so excited. Jessie is making her famous punchy punch, Brandon is bringing some treats and everyone is having so much fun shopping for toys to bring to be donated to Toys for Tots. We wish everyone could come, but for you all who are far away, we will keep you in our hearts and we miss you!
This is a very special time of year for us. It is a time to be with family, friends and loved ones and just celebrate the closing of one year and the opening of another. We wish you all a very happy holiday season full of love and laughter!
If you want to make a donation please visit It feels good to give!